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Intelligent, automation has become a future airflow crusher industry

Reading Volume:    Date:2021-08-24

The application of ultrafine pulverization technology, process, equipment and testing means of airflow mills will play significant role in improving the added value of agricultural products, and the ultrafine pulverization technology of gas flow mills will be widely used. In the integrated processing and utilization of agricultural and sideline products, improving the rate, and turning waste into treasure, crushing technology, especially ultra-fine pulverization, will be used in the land, such as instant fruit powder, vegetables, tea, whole powder, whole egg powder, Eggshell powder, dietary fiber crystal powder (bean residue, slag, rosacea, vegetable slag, sugar canesess, beet slag, rice, skin, etc.), ultra-fine floral powder, ultra-fine powder (pine pin powder, Eucommia , Ginkgo blurs, etc.), ultra-fine silkworm silk powder (used as protein food and cosmetics), seashell powder, shrimp crab shell powder, etc.

Since the 1882 patent, the patents with air flow energy have been proposed, and there is a wide variety of wind crushers on the market. At present, the currently used airflow crushers have mainly jet, cycle, flat and flow. The bed airflow crusher is widely used in many fields.
Industrial Introduction: Compared with the mechanical pulverizer,
Airflow pulverizer

has high compressive strength and higher energy utilization, and the gas flow pulverizer can reach 2% ≤10%. The ordinary crusher is only 0.6%, the device structure is simple, can be sterile effect, easy to clean, the material material is fine, can reach a few microns or even submicron, and keep the particle rules and the surface smooth, in addition, gas flow pulverizer Crushing and drying, crushing and mixing, combined operation of crushing and chemical reactions can also be achieved.

It is understood that after 20 years of development, my country's airflow crusher industry has a large scale of various fields such as pharmaceutical, chemicals, but from the overall level of the industry, my country's gas flow Crusher technology is relatively backward, and the development is restricted by a certain degree.

Relevant experts said that the current domestic airflow crusher research and development enterprises are facing more than 90% of the capacity of capacity. Therefore, the sustainable development of the airflow crusher industry needs to consider many factors, overcoming the noise, limited materials. Slow, low efficiency, etc., developed a crusher that is suitable for the pharmaceutical industry, occupying the market with high-tech products.

Generally speaking, my country
airflow pulverizer

industry is breakingExhibition bottlenecks, with the arrival of intelligent automation, intelligentization and automation have become an inevitable trend of future development of airflow crusher industry. In this context, the airflow crusher industry should also adapt to the market needs and continue to develop in the direction of intelligence.

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