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Characteristics of ultra-micro gas flow classification machine structure

Reading Volume:    Date:2021-09-09

  According to the physical properties of graphite (natural graphite, artificial graphite, spherical graphite), the high-precision stream pulverization classifier is used to accurately control the grading particle size, and different models can be selected depending on the amount of consumption. According to the material characteristics, natural graphite can select the MQW series gas flow grinding, and the artificial graphite grading can select the FW series airflow classifier, spherical graphite shaping can be selected from the CSM series mechanical ultrafine pulverizer - graded impact grinding.The ultra-micro gas flow classifier can be sorted out of the granular segment required for ultrafine powder, so that the material is more suitable for applications, so the ultra-micro gas flow classifier is also quite extensive in today's industry applications. The micro-gas flow classifier can be used in series with various comminuted equipment (air current pulverizer, mechanical grinding, ball mill, Raymond mill, etc.) or alone. The following Erpai Xiaobian is said to conclude the structure characteristics of the ultra-micro gas flow classifier.

  Ultra-micro gas flow classifier is a grate-grade device, a grading machine and a cyclone separator, a dust collector, a guide, and a hierarchical system, the material is in the exhaust force of the fan. The lower end feed at the classifier is moved at high speed to the hierarchical region, and the crude material is separated under the powerful centrifugal force generated by the high-speed rotation of the hierarchical turbine.

  (1) Under the action of high-speed rotary impel, the gas pressure flows through the impeller, after the high-pressure airflow flows out of the impeller, passes through the spray fine granules. Since the blade of the rotary guide leaf is designed to be curved, the cross-sectional area is large, the exit is small, so the airflow pressure of the outlet is lowered, the speed is increased, and the rotation out is conducive to the grading.

  (2) The hierarchical point adjustment mechanism sets three adjustment rods and keeps it synchronously with the chain. The adjustment rod moves upward, the fine powder is increased; the adjustment rod moves downward, the fine powder is reduced. The classified point can be adjusted continuously for fine classification of dry micrometer products.

  (3) The control ring is provided with a control ring to ensure that the control loop is formed between the control ring and the injection fine granules, and the airflow flow rate is controlled.

  (4) The remaining wind port is inevitable from the dry material to bring excess gas, and the temperature of the room is high, the air will expand, so it is designed to maintain the stable airflow in the classification. ,balance.

  The above is the structural characteristics of the high-threatening turbine gas flow classifier. After everyone, is there a deeper understanding of the ultra-micro gas flow grading machine? As the ultra-micro gas flow classifier manufacturer, Shandong El Pie has been working on the development, production, sales and service of ultrafine pulverized grading equipment, including fluidized bed airflow pulverizer, grading machine, impact grinding, Inert gas protection pulverizer, laboratory small crusher, medical crusher, equipment accessories, etc. Welcome to inquire, incompetent test, to find out!

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