Industry news

Application of ultrafine impact grinding in the mine industry

Reading Volume:    Date:2021-09-16

  Rare earth polishing powder special airflow mill, full-negative pressure during processing, no dust pollution on site, guarantee the clean and dryness of the environment. Graphite pulverization is highly high, large production! Can choose special equipment according to different raw materials, fully automated control, low energy consumption. Rare earth polishing powder special airflow classifier, pulverized grading accuracy is arbitrarily adjustable between D97 = 3-74 microns. Granular appearance plastic function, spherical graphite "potato shape". Bag dust removal, appendedly anti-blow, offline cleaning, 75% collection rate, effectively reduce the loss of raw materials.In the mine industry, users have more and more emphasis on the quality and performance of impact grinding, so many companies choose ultrafine impact grinding when choosing milling equipment. In recent years, the mine machinery has prioritized the key support of the state to better provide better technical and equipment support for the development of coal, metal and non-metallic mines, and meet the needs of national economic development on energy and raw materials. Ultrafine impact grinding is an irreplaceable important position in the mine industry. Shandong El Pie Powder Technology Co., Ltd. is based on the industry's advanced powder technology, combined with the demand of domestic powder customers, with the most advanced powder technology, the most efficient product, the most pragmatic spirit, to provide the most professional Crush, classified equipment. Mainly producing fluidized bed airflow pulverizer, spinning airflow pulverizer, Raymond mill, impact grinding, graded impact grinding, airflow classifier, mechanical pulverizer, small laboratory crusher and other powder equipment.

  The powder experiment center has a multi-set pulverized grading experimental equipment, advanced laser particle size detector, image instrument, electron microscope, whiteness instrument, etc., can also provide various powder pulverized grading experiments, and through experiments can provide customers with the best Powder production plan.

  Breakthrough by the crusher, grader, and granulation, granulation, and decoration of AlPa, breaking through foreign technical barriers, filling the gap in China, greatly promoted medicine, food, chemical, minerals , New materials, solid waste treatment and other fields of technical progress and industrial upgrading. He has won the honorary title of the Ministry of Science and Technology "Science and Technology SME Technology Innovation Fund", "Shandong Province's first batch of gazelle enterprises", "Shandong invisible champion enterprise", "high-tech enterprise", "China Patent Shandong Star Enterprise" and other honorary titles.

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