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Domestic laboratory small airflow pulverizer performance does not lose imported equipment

Reading Volume:    Date:2021-12-01

Airflow grinding temperature without medium smashing: low melting point, thermal sensitivity, fibrous, polymer polymer powder; flammable, explosive, easy oxidized material for ultrafine processing Moques hardness; inert gas Realize the closed circuit cycle, the inert gas circulation is used.

China has 1.3 billion people. For a long time, the raw materials have been in the imitation stage, but with the development of China's economy, and the state's support for innovation, a little large-scale pharmaceutical enterprise in China has established its own R & D laboratories. New drug labeling;
Airflow pulverizer, only a simple process of the raw drug research and development process, but it is not enough, because the drug can significantly increase the utilization of the drug through its ultrafine pulverization, and it has no warming The characteristics are also unable to do other crushers, so the laboratory of general new drugs has a small airflow pulverizer, providing support for new drug research; but for a long time, this is suitable for new drug development

laboratory small air flow Crusher

is all monopoly, domestic enterprises may have no problem, but after it is reduced, there is such an uncomfortability, I can't get the rejection of the R & D, and the research and development is still in the thinking. There is Chongyang Mei's thought, in the eyes of some R & D people, foreign products are definitely better than China, China is manufactured in the world, in this industry, lacking their own brands, is embarrassing.
"Shandong Er Pie" is aimed at the needs of new drug research and development. Through years of efforts, research and development of laboratory small airflow pulverizer, product performance can be replaced by imports, comparable to import: The main performance is as follows:
1, Dust pollution during processing, to ensure the clean, dry
2, the gas flow pulverizer can reach the cell breakage effect, completely release the drug's pharmaceutical property
3, low temperature pulverization, can prevent drug resistance of drugs
4, can produce different fine drugs, increase the practical range of drugs
5, using bag dust removal, more than 99%, effectively reduce the loss of raw materials
6, Material meets the medical GMP certification standard
Shandong Erfa R & D

Laboratory small airflow pulverizer

Different from industrial mass production equipment, there is a need for a variety of materials, or experimental requirements for different particle size of the same material. In useWhen there is a different material or different granular conditions, it is necessary to completely clean the equipment to ensure that there is no cross-contamination between materials or particle size, avoiding the experiment to not be accurate, and ensure the objectivity of experimental data. At the same time, the experimental equipment also has an operator, an operating environment, and the like have a large difference in industrial mass production equipment.

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