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What is the flat grinding and a hit gas flow pulverizer in the principle of pulverization and gradin

Reading Volume:    Date:2021-08-26

  With the national response call, my country's new energy cars have been in the forefront of the world. As the technology is getting higher and higher, the requirements for materials and equipment are also increasing. Gas flow mill has been developed and applied. For example, lithium electrical negative graphite, silicon carbon or the like can achieve ultra-narrow particle size distribution and uniform particle shape; lithium battery positive electrode phosphate, high nickel termination material, lithium manganate, etc. Energy Density.

  Flat grinding and impact on the miter crusher in crushing and grading principles, let's take a look at:

  1, the pressure field and speed field distribution in the pulverized cavity are different: Flat grind is the pressure and speed of the smallest pressure and speed of the pulverized cavity and the smallest speed of the pulverized cavity. The striker is the smallest pressure and speed at which the pressure and speed of the pulverized cavity is the largest and the smallest speed. Therefore, the former two-phase flow (i.e., powder solid phase and airflow gas phase) on the wall of the cavity wall. Wear in the wall. The purity of powder finished product is reduced. The heavy material is harder. This phenomenon is more serious. Currently. Some are in the cavity. But this problem still exists. Especially on the material of the high hardness (Moh's hardness 8.5 to 10). The crust of the hit grinding is no wear. More suitable for crushing high hardness materials. And maintain the high purity of the material.

  2, which is almost entirely on the short range acceleration material for the energy provided by the gas. The pulverization capacity is large. Flat grinding is catching up. Depending on the speed of the impact material, it is crushed. However, the remaining energy (speed) of the material after collision is not easy to use. Therefore, the corresponding pulverization capacity is low. However, the remaining energy after a collision has a large part of the part to be used to crush. Another part of the ability is consumed on the high speed rotation of the maintenance material. Under the same conditions. The striking energy consumption is less than 30%.

  For the ALPA powder technology, the so-called innovation not only refers to the newness of powder equipment technology and products, but more precisely, innovation is one Thinking, whether it is product innovation, or corporate system, marketing mode innovation, has maintained a sustainable development vitality for ALPA powder technology, and is also a mustvic road in the global industrial powder equipment industry.

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